Tag Archives: body scrubs

Top Reason To Exfoliate

4 Feb

It is said that human beings get a new layer of skin every 25-45 days and that through the course of our lifetime we will shed as much as 1.5lbs of skin each year or in excess of 100 lbs! That sounds really disgusting when you really think about it. We leave a little piece of ourselves everywhere we go. Ew.

So let’s just ponder this for a second. If we are always shedding, that would imply that we could get congested, not to mention ashy and ugly skin, if we don’t do something about it to remove it from our bodies. Sure, it will fall off eventually, but personally, I would rather be rid of the dead parts of myself and not allow that crap to hang on for dear life. What can you do? Exfoliate!

There are lots of body scrubs on the market and just as many reasons to use them besides just getting rid of your dead self (oops! I mean cells). Exfoliating your body will lead to softer, smoother, better hydrated skin, especially if you slather some lotion on after ward. I have my favorites so I’ll just say that you should find the kind you like, but there are some that use buffing beads, sea salt, sugar, and others that use chemical exfoliants. My favorite brands would be Juara, Ahava, Bliss and Philosophy. Because there is such a variety of body scrubs on the market, I would suggest trying out a few different types to determine which is best for you. The results are amazing and especially noticeable in the winter months when our skin is subject to drying indoor heat and freezing wind chill factors.

BeautyTrix XOXOX