Tag Archives: Valentines

5 Gift Ideas For Valentines Day 2012

15 Feb

When thinking about Valentines Day the first thing that comes to mind is candy and flowers…then perhaps cupid or love. Women expect flowers and candy and men don’t have to give much thought to getting those gifts because every place they shop makes those items easily accessible.

This year I observed the same-o-same-o when it comes to gift giving. All the ladies received their flowers and chocolate at the office and each made the same little giggly squeal of joy. All this commotion for the same gifts each year got me thinking…I’d really love it if I saw someone’s partner actually put some thought into the gifts they were sending their loved one! Personally, I hate candy and flowers die. So, if you’re a man with a girl like me that has different tastes…listen up! Here are some alternate suggestions for your Valentines Day 2012…when is Valentines Day in 2012? Tuesday February 14th. You have plenty of time to plan, there is no excuse.

Does your significant other appreciate art? Consider spending a small amount on a single rose, and a large amount of quality time at a museum or art show. Take an interest in where you are taking your loved one and take a few moments to become familiar with what will be shown or on display so that you can actively engage with your partner. The quality time is priceless, and your loved one will treasure the memory.

Is your partner in need of a spa day? Daily stress, pressures of work, family issues, or just life in general can get to the best of us. A trip to the spa is a wonderful gift you can give your significant other. Get him/her a massage with relaxing aroma therapy. This gift is not too expensive ($65-$350), but make sure to shop around. You can find mobile services that are available that will come right to your home. These at home spa services can be a little less expensive and if done right (send the kids to the grandparents), the service can be just as effective if not more so than a full spa experience.

Does your lover dig live theatre? Book a show. You can book months in advance, the cost can be what you want it to be, and you get to choose where to go. You may be pleasantly surprised. When I met my significant other, I booked a couple of shows for us in Las Vegas after carefully listening to things he liked, music and British humor are among his favorite things thus, when considering what he would like, I found Blue Man Group and Monty Python’s Spamalot were perfect live shows for him, he LOVED it! He still talks about that being his favorite Valentines Day ever.

Quality time is always appreciated by your loved one. Consider cooking a special meal for him or her. You can still do the candy and flowers, but the added touch of actually cooking something will mean the world to him or her. Don’t worry about being a chef, the effort will be appreciated. Just a suggestion, practice what you will be cooking first unless it is a tried and true recipe. Don’t forget the candles, his/her favorite beverage and a sweet desert, chocolate dipped strawberries are almost always a hit! Add some whipped cream and oh la la!

Last but not least, if your partner has a hobby, consider making a small purchase to enhance that hobby. For example, if he or she cooks, get a gift certificate to take a class with a local chef, buy some specialty cookware that he/she has been talking about, or give a gift certificate to Pampered Chef. If he or she loves photography but perhaps has never taken a class, schedule a private lesson with a local professional. Any purchase made to support your partner’s passion is always a great idea. It demonstrates that you have an interest in the things that bring joy to his or her life!

Happy Valentines 2012!